Wallowa Lake Lodge, Joseph Oregon
October 14 and 15, 2022
Thank you to everyone who participated!
View the presentations

Direct all questions to theo.dreher@oregonstate.edu.
Accommodation at the Wallow Lake Lodge is included in the full registration, for Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights (option #1 see below PRICING). Check-in time is NOON on Thursday, check-out 2:00 pm on Sunday.
There are 22 rooms on the second story of the lodge, upstairs from our conference spaces. There are also 3 cabins situated in the forested “backyard” of the lodge, which reaches down to the southern shore of Wallowa Lake. There is a lovely view of Wallowa Lake from the deck and forested lawn behind the lodge.
There are 2-person rooms with one bed and 4-person rooms and cabins with 2 beds. Some rooms and cabins are suitable for sharing for additional savings. If attendees go this route, one person should select registration option #1 and the other option #2 (see PRICING below ).
There is more info on the lodge at https://wallowalakelodge.com, but please don’t contact the lodge about accommodations. These arrangements should be made directly with Theo Dreher, OLA President (Theo.Dreher@oregonstate.edu).
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Friday, October 14: Sockeye salmon reintroduction program in the Wallowa valley
8:45 Welcome: Theo Dreher (OLA), Jim Harbeck (Nez Perce Tribe)
9:00 Nakia Williamson, Nez Perce Tribe – Cultural Perspective & Blessing
- 9:30 Ellen Bishop, Terranes, LLC – Wallowa Lake Moraines
- 9:50 Shane Vatland, Nez Perce Tribe – Wallowa Lake Studies
- 10:10 Michael Meeuwig, ODFW – Wallowa Lake Studies
- 10:30-10:45 Coffee Break
- 10:45 Erik R. Moberly, ODFW – Deschutes Sockeye Program
- 11:05 Andrew Matala, Yakama Nation – Cle Elum Lake Sockeye Program
- 11:25 David Venditti, Idaho Department of Fish & Game – Redfish Lake Sockeye Program
- 11:45 Becky Johnson, Nez Perce Tribe – Wallowa Lake Sockeye Program
- 12:15 – 1:30 Lunch
- 2:00 Afternoon Field Trips
- Wallowa Lake orientation by boat (Nez Perce, ODFW) - NOW FULL
- Tour of Wallowa Lake Dam (Wallowa Lake Irrigation District)
- 5:00 - 9:00 pm The Lodge bar will be open for individual drink purchases
6:00 - Evening Banquet Dinner and Plenary Lecture:
Courtney Crowell, Governor’s Northeast Regional Solutions Center
Coming Together to Create Cultural, Ecological and Economical Benefits
Saturday, Oct. 15, Lake Ecology and Management
Session 1: Lake Ecology
- 9:00 Ron Larson – Satellite Tracking of Climate Change Effects at Oregon’s Playa Lakes (via Zoom)
- 9:20 Joe Eilers, MaxDepth Aquatics, Inc. – Gas Emissions (ebullition) from Oregon Lakes
- 9:40 Theo Dreher, Oregon State University – CyanoHAB genomes: Limnoraphis and Woronichinia
- 10:00 Desiree Tullos, Oregon State University – Predicted Effects of Removal of Klamath River Dams
- 10:20-10:40 Coffee Break
- 10:40: Wayne Carmichael – Nehalem River Tributary Restoration for Salmonids Including Cool Permanent Vernal Ponds
- 11:00 Dan Brown, DEQ – 2017 National Aquatic Resource Survey of Oregon Lakes (via Zoom)
- 11:20 Open discussion of state-wide lake studies, thoughts for future design, etc.
- 11:45 -1:15: Lunch
Session 2: Lake Management
- 1:30 Ivan Arismendi, OSU – AquaPV: Modeling Impacts of Floating Solar Panel Arrays on Lakes (via Zoom)
- 1:50 Ed Rudberg, CD3, Inc. – A Digital Alternative to In-person Boat Inspections for Controlling Invasives
- 2:10 Ryan Van Goethem, EutroPHIX, Inc. – Improving Water Quality with Lanthanum Modified Bentonite
- 2:30 Dan Sobota, DEQ – Web-based App for Detecting and Monitoring CyanoHABs in Oregon Lakes
- 2:50-3:15 Coffee Break
- 3:15-~5:00 OLA business meeting presenting slate of 2022-2024 officers; short report by president; budget report; what OLA has been emphasizing & what OLA could do in the future
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** Direct all questions to theo.dreher@oregonstate.edu **
Conference Registration Options and Prices |
Included |
1. No-Frills Conference - In-Person : $20.00 |
Registration includes conference activities
No Food or Lodging |
2. Conference - Online (Zoom): $20.00 |
Participate in the conference from the comfort of your favorite location |
Sponsor Level |
Included |
9/29: $750 |
Exhibit space and promotional materials at conference, registration, half page ads in 3 issues of Lakewise , website listing, and OLA annual membership. |
9/29: $500 |
Exhibit space and promotional materials at conference, registration, quarter page ads in 2 issues of Lakewise, website listing, and OLA annual membership. |
9/29: $250 |
Exhibit space and promotional materials at conference, registration, quarter page ad in 1 issue of Lakewise, website listing, and OLA annual membership. |
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