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Oregon Lakes Association

....a voice for quiet waters.

2023 Oregon Cyanobacterial Harmful Algae Bloom Stakeholder Meeting

  • Friday, March 17, 2023
  • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Oregon State University: Memorial Union Room 104 (CHANGED) and Live-Stream via Zoom
  • 78


  • Both in-person on live-stream attendees
  • This is complimentary registration for invited speakers.
Oregon Lakes Association Oregon State University

Sponsored by Oregon Lake Association,
Oregon Health Authority, 
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality,  and Oregon State University

Oregon State University and Lakes Association are pleased to announce the 2023 Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Bloom Stakeholder Meeting at Oregon State University:  Memorial Union Room 104 (CHANGED) on Friday, March 17, 2023 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.  Live-stream attendance offered via Zoom.

AGENDA: At this annual meeting, stakeholders typically share information on recent blooms and any changes in regulations and bloom management. Those with new interests in or management responsibilities for HABs in lakes and reservoirs will find this a good meeting to make connections with people in Oregon who are knowledgeable about HABs. 

The morning program covers CyanoHAB monitoring and regulation, as well as reports of CyannoHABs in Oregon during 2022.  The afternoon program covers CyanoHAB research in Oregon or relevant to Oregon.  

LIVE-STREAM REGISTRANTS - remember to ALSO register to receive your Zoom link at the link in your registration confirmation.

IN-PERSON REGISTRANTS -  Go to Oregon State University, Corvallis, Memorial Union Room 104 (CHANGED). The Memorial Union is one block north on the corner of Jefferson Way and 26th St.~ CAMPUS MAP

PARKING: The most convenient place to park will be the parking structure at the corner of Washington Way and 26th St. This requires a B2 permit ($4/day) that you can buy as you enter. You can explore parking options at Here you can purchase a parking permit online ahead of time, or see the locations of pay stations where you can buy a daily ticket when you arrive.

ENQUIRIES TO: Dr. Theo Dreher, Department of Microbiology, OSU or Dan Sobota, OR-Department of Environmental Quality,


Morning Program:  2022 Bloom Season Recap and Outlook for 2023

  • 9:00 Introduction/Welcome, Theo Dreher, Oregon State University & OLA President
  • 9:10 Curtis Cude, OHA, 2022 CyanoHABs review, 2023 program and pilot project updates
  • 9:30 Gregg Baird, OHA, Cyanotoxin monitoring requirements for public water supply systems in Oregon
  • 9:50 Discussion
  • 10:00 Rochelle Labiosa, US-EPA Seattle office, US-EPA and support for CyanoHABs
  • 10:20 Al Johnson, US Forest Service, Forest Service HAB Monitoring
  • 10:30 Sarah Burnet (US Army Corps of Engineers) Corps HAB Monitoring & Research
  • 10:40 Nathan Reetz, DEQ: 2022 DEQ HABs Activities: Program Review and Going Forward
  • 11:00 Dan Sobota, DEQ: Updated ODEQ CyanoHAB strategy, including weekly reports
  • 11:20 Stakeholder experiences: 2021 bloom season and outlook for 2022
    Open participation: reports from around the state
    Impacts of 2020 wildfires on CyanoHABs monitoring and sampling  
  • 12:00 Adjourn

Afternoon Program:  What CyanoHAB research or monitoring is going on in Oregon?

  • 1:00  Welcome remarks 
  • 1:05  Stuart Dyer, DEQ: “Gas Vesicles: The structural properties, ecophysiological function, and in vivo detection of a proteinaceous organelle common in bloom forming cyanobacteria” 
  • 1:25  Desiree Tullos, Oregon State University: “Not a lake and not a river: Update on Ross Island Lagoon HAB solutions research” 
  • 1:45  Theo Dreher, Oregon State University: “Woronichinia and Limnoraphis are lesser known, yet quite widespread, components of CyanoHABs in the Pacific NW” 
  • 2:05  Laurel Genzoli, University of Montana: "Widespread anatoxin detected from attached cyanobacteria in the Klamath River and tributaries" 
  • 2:25  Break 
  • 2:45  David Waltz, DEQ: “Identifying HABs and associated water quality impairments for coastal waterbodies using DEQ’s Integrated Report tools” 
  • 3:05  Kurt Carpenter, USGS: USGS Oregon Water Science Center HAB Monitoring Programs 
  • 3:25  Kale Clauson, DEQ: “Cyanotoxins below the HAL: Validating higher sensitivity ELISA for drinking water in Oregon”
  • 3:45  Discussion/follow up questions 
  • 3:55 Concluding remarks

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